Heute noch mal die Trauben von letzter Woche, besser gesagt was von ihnen noch übrig geblieben ist.
Today again the grapes from last week, or rather what is leftover.
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
No longer available.
Jan 31, 2011
Jan 30, 2011
Meine gute alte Singer-Nähmaschine. Mit der hat schon meine Großmutter genähnt. Und sie geht immer noch.
Immer wenn ich das "Singer" lese, muß ich an den LP Titel von H.R. Kunze "Deutsche singen bei der Arbeit" denken.
My good old Singer sewing machine. My grandmother had sewed on this machine. And it´s still working. Whenever I read the word"Singer"on the machine, I think of the Robbie Williams title "Sing when you are winning".
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
Immer wenn ich das "Singer" lese, muß ich an den LP Titel von H.R. Kunze "Deutsche singen bei der Arbeit" denken.
My good old Singer sewing machine. My grandmother had sewed on this machine. And it´s still working. Whenever I read the word"Singer"on the machine, I think of the Robbie Williams title "Sing when you are winning".
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
Jan 29, 2011
Gestern noch herrliche Sonne , heute grau und düster. Daher wieder ein Bild aus meinen Atelier. Ein Blick in mein Bücherregal.
Yesterday, glorious sun - today, gray and gloomy. Therefore, another painting from my studio. A glance at my bookshelf.
ca. 7,1 x 7,1 inch, 18cm x 18cm / oil on board
Yesterday, glorious sun - today, gray and gloomy. Therefore, another painting from my studio. A glance at my bookshelf.
ca. 7,1 x 7,1 inch, 18cm x 18cm / oil on board
Jan 28, 2011
Ein sonniger Tag heute. Die Wintersonne steht aber noch so tief, dass es schon am frühen Nachmittag lange Schatten gibt. Und diese scheinen ihre eigene Geschichte zu erzählen. Das Pferd stand still, aber der Schatten galoppierte davon.
A sunny day today. The winter sun is still so low, so there are long shadows already in the early afternoon . And they seem to tell theire own story. The horse stood still, but the shadow galloped away.
ca. 7,1 x 7,1 inch, 18cm x 18cm / oil on board
A sunny day today. The winter sun is still so low, so there are long shadows already in the early afternoon . And they seem to tell theire own story. The horse stood still, but the shadow galloped away.
ca. 7,1 x 7,1 inch, 18cm x 18cm / oil on board
Jan 26, 2011
Seit ich keinen Geschirrspüler mehr habe, ist das wieder ein gewohnter Anblick in meiner Küche.
Since I do not have a dishwasher anymore, this is a common sight in my kitchen.
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
no longer available
Since I do not have a dishwasher anymore, this is a common sight in my kitchen.
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
no longer available
Jan 25, 2011
Das ist die Sammlung getrockneter Früchte, die ich hier schon mal erwähnt habe und aus der ich schon einzelne gemalt habe. Heute alle zusammen im Korb auf einer Anrichte mit holländischen Kacheln.
This is the collection of dried fruits that I have mentioned before and from which I have already painted some fruits. Today, all together in a basket on a sideboard with Dutch tiles.
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
This is the collection of dried fruits that I have mentioned before and from which I have already painted some fruits. Today, all together in a basket on a sideboard with Dutch tiles.
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
Jan 24, 2011
Jan 23, 2011
Das erste Jubiläum in meinem Blog. Das 100. Daily Painting. Ein übermaltes Bild, was einfach nicht gestimmt hat, trotz mehrerer Versuche. So hat es nun doch noch seinen Platz gefunden.
The first anniversary in my blog. The 100th Daily Painting. An over-paint picture which just was not right, despite several attempts. It has now finally found his place.
The first anniversary in my blog. The 100th Daily Painting. An over-paint picture which just was not right, despite several attempts. It has now finally found his place.
Jan 22, 2011
Olivenöl und Tomaten
Tomaten, Olivenöl - fehlt noch der Mozzarella.
Tomatoes, olive oil - is still missing the mozzarella.
ca. 7,1 x 7,1 inch, 18cm x 18cm / oil on board
Jan 21, 2011
Okay, das ist kein Baseball-Handschuh. Aber irgendwie hat mich der Ingwer, den ich heute gekauft habe, daran erinnert.
Okay, this is not a baseball glove. But somehow the ginger, which I bought today, ring a bell.
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
Okay, this is not a baseball glove. But somehow the ginger, which I bought today, ring a bell.
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
Jan 20, 2011
Eine weitere Szene aus meinem Atelier. Die Blechdose mit den breiten Pinseln und die mit Leinöl gefüllte Flasche.
Another scene from my studio. The tin can with broad brush and the bottle filled with linseed oil.
ca. 7,1 x 7,1 inch, 18cm x 18cm / oil on board
Another scene from my studio. The tin can with broad brush and the bottle filled with linseed oil.
ca. 7,1 x 7,1 inch, 18cm x 18cm / oil on board
Jan 18, 2011
Ein früher Mond. Um die Mittagszeit beim Blick aus meinen Atelier. Wird Zeit das die Bäume wieder grün werden, aber das wird noch dauern.
An early moon. Around noon, the view from my studio. Is time that the trees are green again, but this will take time.
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
An early moon. Around noon, the view from my studio. Is time that the trees are green again, but this will take time.
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
Jan 17, 2011
Jan 16, 2011
Der Apfel vom letzten Freitag hat heute noch mal Modell gestanden, vor dem Verzehr.
The apple I painted last Friday has now again been the model, before consumption.
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
The apple I painted last Friday has now again been the model, before consumption.
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
no longer available
Jan 15, 2011
Geschälte Mandarine
Eine der drei Mandarinen in geschälter Form.
One of the three mandarins, peeled.
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
No longer available.
One of the three mandarins, peeled.
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
No longer available.
Jan 14, 2011
Okay, die drei gab es auch gestern, aber bevor sie vertrocknen gibts die Mandarinen heute noch einmal.
Okay, these three have shown up yesterday too. But before they dry up, I have painted them again.
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
Okay, these three have shown up yesterday too. But before they dry up, I have painted them again.
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
Jan 13, 2011
Madarinen mit Blatt
Wieder mal der Schönheit von Mandarinen mit Blatt erlegen. Sind teurer, schmecken gleich, aber sie sehen schöner aus.
Once again I get trapped by the beauty of tangerines with leaves. Are more expensive, taste the same, but they look beautiful.
ca. 7,1 x 7,1 inch, 18cm x 18cm / oil on board
Once again I get trapped by the beauty of tangerines with leaves. Are more expensive, taste the same, but they look beautiful.
ca. 7,1 x 7,1 inch, 18cm x 18cm / oil on board
Jan 10, 2011
Abate Fetel
Das gute an Obst-Stillleben ist, dass man anschließend ein Dessert hat. Wen es interessiert, das ist übrigens eine Abate Fetel.
The good thing about fruit still life, you have a good dessert afterwards. For those interested, it is a Fetel Abate. (Sorry there is no english Wikipedia site)
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
The good thing about fruit still life, you have a good dessert afterwards. For those interested, it is a Fetel Abate. (Sorry there is no english Wikipedia site)
ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
no longer available
Jan 9, 2011
Jan 8, 2011
Heute noch ein Bild aus der Abteilung Obst.
Today another painting from the section fruit.

ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
Today another painting from the section fruit.

ca. 5,1 x 7,1 inch, 13cm x 18cm / oil on board
Jan 7, 2011
Schöner aus Boskoop
Jan 6, 2011
Ich bin froh, dass es in immer noch Suppengrün in dieser Form zu kaufen gibt. Wie Früher.
I am glad, that you can buy greens in this style. As in former times.
ca. 7,1 x 7,1 inch, 18cm x 18cm / oil on board
I am glad, that you can buy greens in this style. As in former times.
ca. 7,1 x 7,1 inch, 18cm x 18cm / oil on board
No longer available
Jan 4, 2011
Public Market
Ein kleiner Kontrast zu dem Schmuddelwetter heute. Eine sonnige Szene im September in Seattle.
A small contrast to the bad weather today. A sunny scene in September in Seattle.
ca. 7 x 7 inch, 18cm x 18cm / oil on canvas
A small contrast to the bad weather today. A sunny scene in September in Seattle.
ca. 7 x 7 inch, 18cm x 18cm / oil on canvas
Jan 3, 2011
Der morgendliche Start. Ohne Kaffee geht gar nichts.
The start into a new day. Life doesn´t work without coffee.
ca. 7,1 x 7,1 inch, 18cm x 18cm / oil on board
The start into a new day. Life doesn´t work without coffee.
ca. 7,1 x 7,1 inch, 18cm x 18cm / oil on board
Jan 2, 2011
Ein neues Jahr hat begonnen. Als Metapher für den Start, das Badezimmer am Morgen. Den Krebs aus Metall habe ich mal vor Jahren erstanden, seitdem steht er in meinem Badezimmer.
A new year has begun. As a metaphor for the start, the bathroom in the morning. I bought this little cancer made of metal a few years ago, since then he is in my bathroom.
ca. 7,1 x 7,1 inch, 18cm x 18cm / oil on board
A new year has begun. As a metaphor for the start, the bathroom in the morning. I bought this little cancer made of metal a few years ago, since then he is in my bathroom.
ca. 7,1 x 7,1 inch, 18cm x 18cm / oil on board
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